Thursday, February 23, 2012

Get "Real"

So lets address the topic of honesty when it comes to relationships. Now I'm not just talking about a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but that pre-relationship/ "talking" phase you go through before you hit that point. You "talking" to someone is getting to know that person and vice versa, so why would you put up a front and  not be yourself? What is there to lose? Now a days its all about who plays the game the best, and its kind of sickening to think about. Not only is it hard for most teenagers to be honest with someone, but to be honest with themselves. You not being honest with yourself just equals someone getting hurt and allot of wasted time. If you have chemistry with someone, you know it from the beginning, so go with your gut and try things out. Why are teenagers so scared to do this? Life is about losing some and gaining some, and how are you suppose to know what you want in a relationship if your to scared to try one out?  So lets get "real" and just be you from the beginning. Don't worry about looking lame for texting the person you like first and adding that extra smiley face because your scared you look desperate. Just be honest with yourself and don't be scared! It all pays off at the end.

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